TapeTech®, NorthStar™, Columbia and Drywall Master all use a 1-5 setting crown dial, and leaving it disengaged completely giving you a "0" setting.

Most every manufacturer uses some form of "crown dial" system that allows you to adjust mud flow right out of the box. You'd be amazed what new blades and fresh skids will do for old flat boxes. # You can fine tune the crown dial If the skids are wore down or bent out so that they can't hold the brass bar firmly in place, replace them. If the brass bar is loose and moves where it meets the skid, you won't get consistent edge pressure, and you will have a box that leaves edges. Check to make sure the brass bar is held securely by the skid. # Check your box for basic maintenance.Īlso, before making adjustments to the factory settings from the manufacturer, make sure your box is properly maintained. You might need to run one flat wide open, and another flat on 3. For example, if you do commercial work with a lot of stand up flat joints, each flat joint since it sits on an individual stud can be significantly different. Your job context and your finishing process will determine what settings you need to get quality results. Then check it again after you run it, and see how your box responds with different settings, on different joints, in your job context and with your mud consistency. Check the joint you are coating with the edge of a straight knife to see if you have a deep joint, or a high joint.

Get to know how it runs on different joints, on different settings so that you have some frame of reference to go by. With a new box, especially if it's from a manufacturer you're unfamiliar with, take some time to get to know the box.
#Kink mudrunner how to
In this article we'll give some basic pointers on how to make adjustments to most any manufacturer's flat box. We often have people ask us about how to make adjustments to their flat boxes. TapeTech MAXXBOX® and Power Assist® Box Parts.expand_more Automatic Taping Tool Parts.
#Kink mudrunner plus
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